A classy woman is one who exudes confidence, grace, and poise in all that she does. She is a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and is able to carry herself with dignity and self-assurance. She is also a woman who is well-mannered, kind, and respectful towards others, and is always striving to improve herself and her circumstances.

There are several personality traits that are commonly associated with a classy woman. These include:

1. CONFIDENCE: A classy woman is confident in herself and her abilities. She is able to stand up for herself and her beliefs, and is not afraid to express her opinions and ideas.

2. GRACE: A classy woman carries herself with grace and poise. She is able to move and behave in a way that is elegant and refined, and is able to maintain her composure in any situation.

3. KINDNESS: A classy woman is kind and compassionate towards others. She is willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, and is always willing to go out of her way to make others feel welcome and included.

4. RESPECT: A classy woman is respectful towards others, regardless of their social status or position. She understands that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and kindness, and she strives to treat others as she would like to be treated herself.

5. INTELLIGENCE: A classy woman is intelligent and well-informed. She is curious and always seeking to learn new things, and is able to hold her own in any conversation or debate.

6. ETIQUETTE: A classy woman is well-mannered and follows the rules of etiquette. She is able to conduct herself appropriately in any social situation, and is always mindful of her actions and the impact they may have on others.

In conclusion, a classy woman is a woman who exudes confidence, grace, and poise in all that she does. She is kind, respectful, intelligent, and well-mannered, and is always striving to improve herself and her circumstances.

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